The hybrid constructed wetland(HCW) as tertiary treatment process of a bio industrial wastewater treatment plant was employed to estimate applications for the reuse of final effluent. Raw wastewater was sequently treated through chemical and biological treatment processes and the biologically treated water was flowed into the HCW. The HCW system was composed of two constructed wetlands connected in series; The one is the aerobic constructed wetland with natural air draft system whose driving force for air supply was the difference between the temperature of the air inside the wetland and the ambient air, and the other is the anaerobic/anoxic constructed wetland. Average influent concentrations of BOD, SS, T-N and T-P in the HCW were 53mg/L, 48mg/L, 34mg/L and 3mg/L, respectively. After being treated at HCW, final effluent concentrations of BOD, SS, T-N and T-P were 2.3mg/L, 1.2mg/L, 7.95mg/L and 0.83mg/L, respectively. Referring to a reuse standard for a sewage wastewater, final effluent could sufficiently be reuse as landscaping, washing or agriculture water. HCW system with the aerobic/anaerobic combined constructed wetland could be achieved a high removal efficiency because each constructed wetland was functionalized to be removed efficiently organics, nitrogen and phosphorus. HCW system could be estimated to be successful application as tertiary treatment process of a various industrial and municipal wastewater.
생물산업 연구단지에서 발생되는 폐수를 처리하기 위해 건설된 폐수처리장의 3차 처리시설로 hybrid 인공습지 시스템을 적용하여 최종 방류수의 재이용가능성을 평가하였다. 폐수처리를 위한 1차 처리공정은 화학적처리(약품 응집)이며, 2차 처리공정은 생물학적 처리(표준활성슬러지법)로 구성되어 있다. 3차 처리시설로서 hybrid 인공습지는 자연통풍시스템이 구비된 호기성 인공습지와 혐기/무산소성 인공습지가 순차적으로 연결된 시스템이다. Hybrid 인공습지로 유입되는 2차 생물학적 처리공정의 처리수 농도는 BOD, SS, T-N 및 T-P의 평균 농도가 각각 53mg/L, 48mg/L, 34mg/L 및 3mg/L로 나타났으며, hybrid 인공습지에서의 최종방류수의 BOD, SS, T-N 및 T-P의 평균농도는 각각 2.3mg/L, 1.2mg/L, 7.95mg/L 및 0.83mg/L로 나타나 하수처리수의 재이용권고수질기준과 비교할 때 조경용수나 세척용수 등의 용도로 직접 재이용이 가능한 수질이 확보될 수 있었다. Hybrid 인공습지는 반응조를 호기 및 혐기/무산소 조건으로 기능화 함으로서 높은 효율로 오염물질이 제거될 수 있었으며, 이러한 결과로부터 다양한 하수 및 폐수의 3차 처리시설로서 활용이 가능한 것으로 평가되었다.
1. 서론
2. 실험 및 방법
3. 결과 및 고찰
4. 결론