

조선후기 미용문화와 토털코디네이션에 관한 연구


A Study on the Beauty culture & Total Coordination of Chosun Period Appearing

안종숙, 김정림

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to consider the characteristics of Total Coordination in the latter period of Chosun Dynasty from the viewpoint of public morals and find out how characteristic beauty culture was developed along with traditional culture. Therefore, the clothes, the make-up, the style of beard and hair were examined and the beauty culture of women in the latter period Chosun Dynasty was considered. The changes of the beauty culture on the genre painting and the characteristics of the latter period Chosun Dynasty were analyzed. Conclusions are as follows; First, in case of woman dress, the Korean Jergori was short and the Chima was too long. Due to the diversification of wearing, the underpants play as a decorations.Second, the hair which focus on the cleanness and the sanitation and the skin maintenance method were important. The make-up focus on make-up with powder which emphasis on the slim and round eyebrow, the small and thick lips for the beauty look of the latter period Chosun Dynasty. Third, a unmarried woman did the braids('Taun Muri') and a feme covert did 'Ungeon Muri'. As people cling to the big and head of hairs gradually, the chignon('Terae Muri') was in fashion.The beauty culture in the latter period of Chosun Dynasty clothes and cosmetic treatment style were generalized through nobility, common people, lowly people. The imitation mentality which follow after Gisaeng style that led the fashion of that period was shown up. With understanding the beauty culture and Total Coordination of the latter period of Chosun Dynasty, the study on the traditional beauty culture should be revitalized. This study help to uplift the pride on Korea traditional culture and to promote the globalization of Korean culture.


 Ⅰ. 서론
  1. 연구목적 및 의의
  2. 연구범위 및 방법
 Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
  1. 미용문화의 개념
  2. 풍속화의 개념
  3. 조선후기 사회․문화적 배경
 Ⅲ. 조선시대의 복식과미용문화 고찰
  1. 조선시대 여자 복식
  2. 화장과 피부관리
  3. 두발양식과 수식
 Ⅳ. 조선후기 풍속화에 나타난토털 코디네이션 고찰
  1. 18세기 전반의 풍속화에 나타난 토털코디네이션
  2. 18세기 후반-19세기 전반의 풍속화에 나타난 토털 코디네이션
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 안종숙 Jong-Suk An. 호서대학교 대학원 뷰티디자인과(Dept. of Beauty Design, Hoseo University)
  • 김정림 Jeong-Lim Kim. 호서대학교 학점은행제 피부미용학과(Dept. of Beauty Art, Hoseo University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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