

Trends in Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing



Ubiquitous multimedia computing becomes a major focus in scientific research due to recent flourishing of wireless communication infrastructures such as 3G, WiMax and RFID. There have been many surveys were written based on various ubiquitous multimedia computing related topics. If we can find a way to dash out the latest development in this particular science and technology field, it would be valuable to scientist and researchers. However, it is a challenging task to promptly and efficiently penetrate information for elevating scholastic research efficiency in large volume of information. The goal of this paper is to help us comprehend the scope and major themes of ubiquitous multimedia computing research. Different perspectives and methods were introduced to analyze leading research theme in particular in ubiquitous computing field is proposed. Factor analysis, pathfinder network and context-based ontology techniques are presented to display research directions by clustering scientific papers taken from the ISI web (CiteSeer papers). The results obtained show that recent popular research towards to pursue ubiquitous applications in particular in m-health. The beneficiary of the proposed methods could be for someone new to a specific domain in research study, who wishes to analyze and understand current development status of intended research study field.


 1. Introduction
 2. Factor Analysis
 3. Pathfinder Network
 4. Context-based Ontology
 5. Discussions
 6. Conclusions


  • Maria R. Lee Shih Chien University
  • Tsung Teng Chen National Taipei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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