

A Smart Fridge with an Ability to Enhance Health and Enable Better Nutrition



Intelligent appliances with multimedia capability have been emerging into our daily life, thanks to the fast advance of computing technology and the wide use of the Interne. Smart home is one of the most prominent areas of intelligent appliances. Kitchen is one of the places where such intelligent appliances have been used. Since modern life style is driving people spending less time on cooking healthy food at home, an enjoyable and healthy life style can be assisted with an intelligent kitchenware such as a smart fridge. In this paper we introduce a novel idea of the smart fridge which can enable better nutrition and enhance health. It is designed for managing items stored in it and advising its users with cooking methods depending on what kind of food is stored. More importantly, it can perform other actions such as dietary control, nutrition monitoring, eating habit analysis, etc. The characteristics, functions and design details of the smart fridge are presented in details. We are confident that such a smart fridge will be an important component in future smart home.


 1. Introduction
 2. Review on conceptual smart fridge models
 3. The proposed smart fridge with nutritional functionality
 4. System design and implementation
 5. Conclusion and future work


  • Suhuai Luo The University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Jesse S. Jin The University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Jiaming Li CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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