The visualization of business reports has received greater attention from information system scholars. Tables, graph and charts are often used to represent vast amount of complex numerical data and spreadsheet visuals become a de facto standard in business. This study suggests the use of individual’s cognitive differences onbusiness report visualization instead of providing "one visual fits all"type of reports. It is argued that that reports with data augmented by appropriate visuals will affect the efficiency and effectiveness of an individual’s learning outcomes and subsequently his or her decision making processes. It is argued here that report visualization can augment the usefulness of contents and enhance many desirable features of reports as specified in those proposed models.
1. Research Question
2. Literature Review
2.1 visualization Research
2.2 Types of Visuals and Visualization
2.3 Visualization in Business Reporting Environment
2.4 Cognition and Visualization
2.5 Outcome-based Learning
2.6 Self-efficacy and Learning Outcome
3. Conceptual Framework
4. Research Design