

교육대학원 일본어교육전공 석사학위논문의 주제 분석 - 일본문학 논문(2001~2007년)을 중심으로 -


An Analysis of Japanese Education Master's Design Theses - Focused on Japanese Literature(2001~2007)

조남성, 최현주

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



An analysis of Japanese literature in Japanese Education Master's Degree theses, 2001~ 2007. Main results are summarized as follows : (1)The number of theses on Japanese literature increases a little every year. (2)The number of theses on modern and contemporary literature is greater each year than that of classical literature. (3)Classifying the classical literature theses according to periods, the descending order is Edo, Heian, Nara, Medieval literature. Typifying the Edo period are Ihara Saikaku, Matuo Basyo, Chikamatu Monzaemon;the Heian period are Konzaku monogatari, Gengi monogatari; the Nara period is Kojiki. Medieval literature is typified by Turezuregusa, etc. (4)Classifying theses of modern literature according to periods, Natume Souseki, Kawabata Yasunari, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Tazai Osamu, Tanizaki Zyunitiro, Murakami Haruki, Endou syusaku, Siga Naoya, Arisima Takeo, Simazaki Touson, Oe Kenzaburo were outstanding. Outstanding pieces are Snowy country(Kawabata Yasunari), Sansirou(Natume Souseki), Disqualification of human(Tazai Osamu). (5)Most forms of Japanese literature are modern and contemporary novels as prose. (6)The number of theses with application to Japanese Education are no more than 2.7%.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 연도별 일본문학의 논문 편수
 3. 연도별 고전ㆍ근현대문학의 논문 편수
 4. 고전문학의 시대별 작품 현황
 5. 근현대문학
  5.1 근현대문학의 작가별 현황
  5.2 근현대문학의 작품별 현황
  5.3 빈도수가 높은 근현대문학 작품
 6. 일본문학 형식별 논문 편수
 7. 일본어교육에의 응용을 지향한 문학 논문
 8. 맺는 말


  • 조남성 Cho, Nam-Sung. 한밭대학교 일본어과 교수
  • 최현주 Choi, Hyun-Joo. 한밭대학교 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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