

아메리칸 드림의 서곡 -어거스트 윌슨의 『마 레이니의 검은 궁둥이』-


A Prelude for American Dream: August Wilson`s Ma Rainey`s Black Bottom


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



August Wilson wrote a cycle of history plays, one play for each decade in the 1900s. His ten-play cycle comprises the most important issues confronting Black Americans for that decade, so ultimately it could stand as a record of Black experience over the past hundred years. In all his works Wilson tried to reveal the richness of lives of the black people, which has been hidden by the glancing manner in which White America looks at Blacks, and Blacks look at themselves as well. His goal is to re-examine true freedom and self-respect reflected in their lives and to make the genuine ideals of American Dream come true in America. Barak Obama, a new president of U.S.A. succeeds to the very true ideals of August Wilson, a playwright, which are to pursue not simply realization of an individual ideal but also contribution to mankind. Wilson embodied this belief into Ma Rainey's Black bottom, in which he analyzed the causes that had made the dreams of Blacks distorted and frustrated, and paradoxically affirmed that the genuine ideals of American Dream consist of freedom, peace, and coexistence, which are African traditional ideals.


I. 버락 오바마와 아메리칸 드림, 그리고 어거스트 윌슨
 II. 아메리칸 드림의 서곡-마 레이니의 검은 궁둥이
 III. 아메리칸 드림을 향하여


  • 윤현숙 Hyun Sook Yun. 조선대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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