

Profiles of Isoflavone and Fatty Acids in Soymilk Fermented with Lactobacilli, Bifidobacteria, or Streptococci



Distribution of isoflavones and fatty acids in soymilk fermented with 7 Lactobacilli (L-type), 7 Bifidobacteria (B-type), or 5 Streptococci (S-type) were monitored. Total isoflavones in fermented soymilk ranged from 5.24 to 8.59µmol/g drybasis while those in unfermented soymilk were 8.06µmol/g dry basis. Depending on the types of inoculated microorganisms,fermented soymilk showed different profiles in isoflavones, especially aglycones and β-glucosides. Four L-type fermentedsoymilk had significantly higher aglycone content (33.69-46.21%) and low β-glucosides compared to control (p<0.05). All B-type fermented soymilk showed significantly high aglycone levels (p<0.05). Out of 5 Streptococci, 4 strains produced over82.2% aglycones. Lipid content ranged from 162 to 224mg/g and linoleic acid was the highest, followed by oleic, linolenic,palmitic, and stearic acids. Average ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids in control, L-, B-, and S-type fermentedsoymilks was 6.30, 6.09, 6.30, and 5.94, respectively. This study can help to develop a fermented soymilk containing highisoflavone aglycones and low fat content.


 Materials and Methods
 Results and Discussion


  • Young Woo Park Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul 139-743, Korea
  • Seung Wook Lee Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul 139-743, Korea
  • Hyung-Kyoon Choi College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 156-756, Korea
  • SeungOk Yang College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, Seoul 156-756, Korea
  • Young-Suk Kim Department of Food Science and Technology, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea
  • Ho-Nam Chun R&D Center, Maeil Dairy Industry Co., Ltd., Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi 451-861, Korea
  • Pahn-Shick Chang Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul 139-743, Korea
  • JaeHwan Lee Department of Food Science and Technology, Seoul National University of Technology, Seoul 139-743, Korea


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