

지나간 미래, 한국 문학 속의 ‘張保皐’ - 정한숙의 『바다의 王者-張保皐』복원의 의미


The past future and Chang, Po-go in Korea literature - The significance of the recovery of 'King of the sea : Chang, Po-go' by Jung, Han-suk

지나간 미래, 한국 문학 속의 ‘장보고’ - 정한숙의 『바다의 왕자-장보고』복원의 의미


국제언어인문학회 인문언어 제9집 2007.12 pp.91-124
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



History contains countless experience. Through the past experience of history we are intending to acquire instructions. enlighten the ture meaning of our future and pioneer the better road. History does not stay in a outmoded form. For history revives as a living history in everyday lives.
But how could we resurrect the dead history and breathe a new form in the present? It is not a easy project to pursue the revival of history and to make past here and now. We should not determine history only form materials and facts. That there are a lot things floating wait to be settled in the outdated question 'What is history?'. Vocational historians introduce ideas and definitions that commit lasting questions on history and new epistemological perspectives. This proves that history doesn't fixed in facts themselves.
In the field of narrative historians investigate the humanity and are against putting the past experiences without being looked back. Narrative does not hesitates in front of the given present and goes over the historical present. This genre converges things that dreamt of and hoped of by people.
This study contains the evaluations on 'Chang, Po-go Novels'. And it presents a new and different perspective on the life of him. This will enlighten the text of narrative writers and present their perspectives on his life, searching for the delayed answers to the substantial matters owing to the lacks of materials. Furthermore this evaluation focuses the narrative attempt to revive the existence which extends its outstanding life in a literary dimension. Literary revaluating assignment is connective with the retrospective insights to the past history. We go over the past not because it shows only the beautiful aspects but because it contains the diverging instructions from the historical tragedy of the repressed and injured past with tears and blood.


I. 문제 제기
 II. '장보고 소설'[의 계보
 III. 『바다의 王者 : 張保皐』의 작품 전개
 IV. 역사적 사건과 문제적 인물
 V. 새로운 인물 전형 : 염장
 VI. 맺음말


  • 최영호 Young-ho Choi. 해군사관학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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