

식품 및 바이오신소재

Reconstitution of Ferritins with Cobalt Oxyhydroxides, Manganese Oxyhydroxides,Nickel, and Nickel Hydroxides



The fabrication of novel bioinorganic nanostructures by using biological templates with capsid-like architectures has received important interest. Ferritins consist of 24 polypeptide subunits and cage-shaped supramolecule with outer and inner diameters of only 12 and 8 nm, respectively. They are used in a variety of nanotechnology applications such as sensing, catalysis, and biomedical application. In this study, ferritins were chemically reconstituted with Co(O)OH, Mn(O)OH, Ni, and Ni(OH)2 within apoferritin interior. We tried to make Co(O)OH, Mn(O)OH, Ni, and Ni(OH)2 formed within apoferritin interior. The Co(O)OH and Mn(O)OH inside apoferritins were prepared using MOPS and HEPES buffers (pH 8.5) with hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent and using AMPSO buffer (pH 8.9) with air as an oxidant, respectively. Furthermore, Ni-reconstituted ferritins were produced using NaBH4 as a reducing agent and Ni(OH)2 was also formed in the apoferritin interior. We monitored the chemical reconstitution of ferritins using UV-visible spectrophotometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), TEM, and cyclic voltammetry.


  • Hae Sook JUNG Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Dongguk University,
  • Ji Hyeon KIM Department of Chemical and Bio Engineering, Kyungwon University
  • Hyon Hee YOON Department of Chemical and Bio Engineering, Kyungwon University
  • Keehoon WON Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Dongguk University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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