

식품 및 바이오신소재

Inhibitiory Effects of Crude Extract of the Arctic Seaweeds on Growth of Human Cancer Cells



Inhibitory effects of 20 kinds of the Arctic seaweeds were investigated on growth of human cancer cells. The seaweeds were extracted by acetone/dichloromethane and methanol, respectively and then the combined extracts were used as a test sample. Growth inhibition effects of their crude extracts were evaluated in HT1080, HT-29 and AGS human cancer cells using MTT assay. The inhibitory effects of crude extract were increased as a dose dependent manner. Among them, Desmarestia aculeate and Palmaria palmate showed good inhibition effects on the growth of all human cancer cells tested. On the other hand, crude extracts of Laminaria digitata and Laminaria sp. exhibited inhibition effects on the growth of AGS and HT1080 cancer cells and chorda filum revealed the highest inhibition effects on the growth of HT1080 cancer cells.


  • Jung Im LEE Division of Marine Environment & Bioscience, Korea Maritime University
  • You Ah KIM Division of Marine Environment & Bioscience, Korea Maritime University
  • Chang-Suk KONG Marine Bioprocess Research Center, Pukyong National University
  • Jinhyeok LEE Division of Marine Environment & Bioscience, Korea Maritime University
  • Haejin KIM Division of Marine Environment & Bioscience, Korea Maritime University
  • Youngwan SEO Division of Marine Environment & Bioscience, Korea Maritime University


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