


現代日本における大學改革の現狀と課題(その2)- 大学におけるキャリア・エデュケーションの重要性


현대일본における대학개혁の현상と과제(その2)- 대학におけるキャリア・エデュケーションの중요성

加沢 恒雄

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Japan “freeters”and “NEETs”have increased rapidly in recent year.This term “freeter”is the portmanteau word of “free”and“arbeiter ”,namely,part-timer.There are hree types as follows:1)moratorium type,2)dreamsearching type,and 3)for without-job and unwilling type.
What’s more the term “NEET ”is the acronym of “No in Education,Employment,or Training.” This term or idea was originally coined by British government In recent year,it has been used also in Japan.They are young people who would not go to school or university and that would not seek for their jobs or they would not receive the job-training or their emoployment.
It is estimated that such young people as NEETs will sum up to about over fifty thousand.According to pre-Monbu-sho,this“NEET”equals to “mugyo-sha”or a person without job.
By the way, while freeter has not full work, NEET wouldn't have his jo b.Consequently they have low income or have no income. For this reaso n, issue of poverty in Japanese young people will be brought up from this time on. They cannot pay the income tax and cannot live they live with their parents.They are,what so called,“parasites single.”In short, these
issues of freeter and NEET are never indivisual ones,but social ones.In other words,the increasing in freeter and NEET will make Japanese economy decrease more and more in the future.by only their-own’s income.So they depend on their parents and For this reason,nowadays,in all schools and universities or colleges in Japan career education reform is one
of the most mportant problems.
As one of career education reforms,“internship ystem”has been introduesd in many high schools and niversities or colleges in recent year.In this paper,I researched on “internship system”in Japan and its problems being faced with in order to improve this system.




  • 加沢 恒雄 広島工業大学工学部


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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