

언어의 자의성과 이상의 ″상″ 이미지


The Arbitrary Nature of Language and the Image of ′Sang′ (Box)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper surveys the meaning of the pen name ′Yi Sang(李箱)′ in the light of the arbitariness of language and the relationship among names, observing in three ways how the images of ′Sang′ (Box) appear differently in his works. In Particular, we look into (1) the relationship between a box and its inner boxes, (2) the divisional relationship in the box, and (3) the relationship between the box and an outer box. In Yi Sang′s work, image (1) gives shape to the relationship between the writer himself and his ancestors who are responsible for his present existence. Image (2) gives shape to two internally divided Yi Sangs, and is symbolized as a mirror that reflects two selves. Image (3) gives shape to a relationship between himself in the closed world and other people and/or a bigger outside world. All these symbolic relationships are fully represented in his work "Nalgae" (The Wing)". What is interesting is that Yi Sang has already employed these box images in his earlier poetry "Geonchuk-muhan-yukmyeon-gaucho" (Infinite Architectural Hexagon). furthermore, by visualizing his name as a sqaure(), he means to suggest the intentional image of his pen name as a ′box′.


1. 언어의 자의성과 이름의 의미
 2. '이'와 '상' 어휘의 언어학적 기능
 3. '상' 이미지의 변용과 작품에서의 구현양상
 4. 맺음말


  • 오정란 (광운대학교)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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