

반말과 계층 구조:정대현 교수의 반말 이론에 대한 비판적 검토


Ban-mal and Hierarchical Structures:Professor Chung’s Theory Critically Examined


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Professor Daihyun Chung has recently presented an intriguing view of Ban-mal (non-honorific expressions) in Korean. He criticizes uses of Ban-mal, on the grounds that they presuppose the existence of hierarchical structures in human beings. Professor Chung also advocates “a relational theory of Ban-mal” according to which ascriptions of ‘n-mal’ should be relativized to the speaker-hearer relationship. He employs this view in showing that uses of Ban-mal indeed presuppose the existence of hierarchical structures in human beingsI claim that Professor Chung has not shown the credibility of his relational theory of Ban-mal, and that this very view leads to an unintended and undesirable consequence. Moreover, I show that, even if we assume that this view is true for the sake of an argument, he is not able to show that uses of Ban-mal indeed presuppose the existence of hierarchical structures. All he can show is rather that uses of ‘Ban-mal’(a meta-linguistic expression) presuppose the existence of hierarchical structures. Finally, I conclude that what really presupposes the existence of hierarchical structures is the asymmetrical uses of Ban-mal and honorific expressions.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 반말에 대한 객관론과 관계론
 3. 반말 사용은 계층 구조의 존재를 전제하는가?
 4. 무엇이 계층 구조의 존재를 전제하는가?
 인용 문헌


  • 선우환 Hwan Sunwoo. 서울시립대학교(University of Seoul)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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