

소규모 집단 활동을 통한 학습자 중심의 열린 영어독해지도


Teaching Open English Reading based on a learner-centered approach through small group activity


국제언어인문학회 인문언어 제7집 2005.06 pp.351-372
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to analyze problems of teaching English reading based on a teacher-centered approach and to apply a learner-centered approach through small group activity to teaching English reading for improving a learner’s satisfaction and maximizing learning effectiveness. Our traditional English education had focused on a Grammar-translation method and a Reading method for reading and grammar for a long time. But the methods had been criticized a lot because of lack of English speaking and listening ability. Therefore, a communicative approach was introduced and we have emphasized on speaking and listening ever since. But these days we need an English reading ability again in order to read lots of information and gather them through an Internet and materials. As a result, we need a new approach of teaching English reading, and we need to develop and improve it. This study will contribute to the approach to be able to improve a learner’s English reading in EFL.


I. 서 론
 II. 학습자 중심의 열린 영어교육
  1. 학습자 중심의 영어교육과정
  2. 학습자 중심의 영어교육의 기본 원칙
  3. 학습자 중심의 영어교육 실시
 III. 연구방법
  1. 피험자 및 연구도구
  2. 연구범위
  3. 연구재료 및 절차
  4. 결과 분석 및 논의
  5. 연구결과 및 제안
 IV. 결 론
 부 록


  • 이현구 Lee, Hyun-Gu. 나사렛대학교(Korea Nazarene University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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