

Perspectives on a Critical Period for Language Acquisition: Implications for language research and practice


Jayeon Lim

국제언어인문학회 인문언어 제7집 2005.06 pp.331-349
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years there has been much discussion about whether there is a critical, or sensitive period for language acquisition. Research on a critical period provides an excellent example around which we can organize a discussion of the behavioral and neural evidence. In this paper, the early history of critical periods and evidence for the existence of critical periods in various domains of human cognition and learning are reviewed. Followed by this overview, evidence for a critical period in both linguistic and nonlinguistic area are presented. The paper then provides some unresolved questions regarding a critical period in language acquisition and states what the outcome of this issues mean for an understanding of language acquisition. Finally the paper concludes with some educational implications of a critical period for practice.


1. Introduction
 2. What is a critical period?
  2.1. Evidence for a critical period in language acquisition:behavioral and neural
  2.2. Evidence of a nonlinguistic critical period
 3. Some theoretical questions concerning a critical period inlanguage acquisition.
 4. Implications for research and practice
 5. Conclusion


  • Jayeon Lim (The University of Seoul)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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