

미국영어에서의 후설원순저모음의 사용분포와 확산추이


A trend of Open rounded back /ɒ:/ distribution in American English


국제언어인문학회 인문언어 제8집 2006.12 pp.313-329
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In some American English dialects, the vowels /ɑ:/ or /ɔ:/ have been replaced with /ɒ:/, as in caught /kɒ:t/ dog /dɒ:g/ that were pronounced in /kɔ:t/, and /dɔ:g/ previously. General American does not have /ɒ:/ in its vowel system. But in East American and Western Pensylvania, cot and caught are homophones, /kɒ:t/, and similarly with other pairs such as collar vs. caller, stock vs. stalk, don vs. down, knotty vs. naughty. The use of /ɑ/ or /ɔ/ is quite unstable, and is a well-known diagnostic for distinguishing the northern speech area of the United States from the midland and southern area. For an increasing number of Americans, however, entirely lack the opposition between /ɑ/ and /ɔ/, merging to /ɒ/, referring to ‘both’ of the vowels of lot. This paper investigates the use of /ɒ:/ in American dialects and its relationship with /ɑ:/, /ɔ:/ in AE, and with short /ɒ/ in RP. Examining the isoglosses of the use of /ɒ:/ in various databases of the phonological atlas of North America, this paper discusses the use, position, and trend of merger to /ɒ:/ from the vowels of /ɑ:/ and /ɔ:/ in Current American English.


1. 서론
 2. 후설원순저모음 /ɒ:/의 음성적 특성
 3. 미국영어에서의 /ɒ:/의 사용분포
 4. 합류현상에 따른 변화추이
  4.1. 음운체계의 균형을 위한 합류
  4.2. 외래어의 영향
  4.3. 시대적 추이
 5. 결론


  • 박충연 Choong-yon Park. 경원대학교(Kyungwon University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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