

시베리아 및 러시아-극동지역 방언 실태 조사 연구-혼인예식(wedding)에 관한 어휘를 중심으로-



국제언어인문학회 인문언어 제8집 2006.12 pp.291-313
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Previously, studies concerning the Russian dialects have been mainly focused on northern, central, and southern dialects limited to western Russia of Ural Mountains. On the contrary, the Siberian and Far-eastern dialects have been completely disregarded to the main stream of the Russian dialectology. As a result of a poll concerning this idea, the majority has answered that there is no dialect in Siberian and Far-east regions. Though the reasons for the outcome of the poll could vary, it could not be simply accepted that there is no dialect in such vast regions. Thus, a survey has took place to examine the existence of dialects in the regions of Siberia and Far-east. The first phase of the survey inquired the residents of the regions including Siberia and Far-east to respond to questions regarding 83 vocabularies on wedding in contrast to the regions covering western Ural and Moscow. The 23 informants were residents of the concerned regions who have come to visit Pushkin National Institute of Russian Language and, others, Korea. The questionnaires used in this survey were partly obtained from the questionnaires originated by the Language Institute of St. Petersburg National University. Although the limited range of regions and a small number of respondents who partook in this survey could raise some issues on the table, it is relevant to understand that this study would open up the path for the development of studies concerning regional dialects in the future.


1. 서론
 2. 시베리아와 극동지역의 방언 존재에 대한 심리적 태도
 3. 방언의 조사 방법
 4. 조사내용의 분석
  4.1. 공유어휘의 분석
  4.2. 비공유어휘의 분석
  4.3. 보정된 비공유어휘의 분석
 5. 결론
 6. 참고문헌


  • 안병팔 Byung-pal Ahn. 서경대학교(Seokyeong University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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