

프랑스어 일반 명사의 의미 특성과 형식 의미론을 통한 하위 분류


Semantic Properties of French Common Nouns and Its Sub-classification


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This work concerns the ontological status of the common nouns of French and its sub-classification. We also propose a formulation of the sub-classification by the algebra of Boole.On the basis of the works of Lyons and Peterson, but also Vendler and Kiparsky & Kiparsky, we establish a criterion of the sub-classification : thing, event, fact, proposition.And so we propose following four subclasses:common nouns of thing : voiture(≒car), étudiant(≒student)common nouns of event : découverte(≒discovery), propagation(≒propagation)common nouns of fact : mystère(≒mystery), reconnaissance(≒recognition), conséquence(≒consequence)common nouns of proposition : supposition(≒supposition), souhait(≒wish), probabilité(≒probability), hypothèse(≒hypothesis)For each of the subclasses, we propose following four filtered boolean algebras:NCc = <{x : x ∈ P, x ≤ chose}, 1NCc, 0NCc, ∧NCc, ∨NCc, ’NCc> (where x’NCc = x’NC ∧ chose)NCe = <{x : x ∈ P, x ≤ événement}, 1NCe, 0NCe, ∧NCe, ∨NCe, ’NCe> (where x’NCe = x’NC ∧ événement) NCf = <{x : x ∈ P, x ≤ fait}, 1NCf, 0NCf, ∧NCf, ∨NCf, ’NCf> (where x’NCf = x’NC ∧ fait)NCp = <{x : x ∈ P, x ≤ proposition}, 1NCp, 0NCp, ∧NCp, ∨NCp, ’NCp> (where x’NCp = x’NC ∧ proposition)This formalization reflects the idea of the boolean semantics that all the possible categories possesses the boolean structure, and reconstitutes strictly the proposed sub-classification of the ontological point of view.


1. 머리말
 2. 존재론적 고찰
  2.1. 사물, 사건, 사실, 명제
  2.2. 서술 작용의 분류
 3. 일반 명사의 하위 분류
  3.1. 하위 분류의 준거
  3.2. 형식 의미론을 통한 하위 분류
 4. 맺음말
 인용 문헌


  • 박정준 Park, Jung-Joon. 연세대학교(University of Yonsei)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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