

자유전공학부 학생들을 위한 전공탐색-연세대학교 학부대학 사례를 바탕으로-


Major Exploration for the Studentsin Open Major Division-A Case Study of University College in Yonsei University-

홍혜경, 나정은, 방희경, 한봉환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



From the academic year of 2009, a good many Korean Universities introduced the Open major Division. Based on 10 years experience of teaching and advising in the University College at Yonsei University, we believe that developing and applying a suitable major exploration program should be the key factor for successful settlement of the Open major Division. Yonsei University's major exploration curriculum, program, and advising system were introduced as a guideline to the major exploration process. The freshman survey and the first-year experience assessment in Yonsei University revealed that the freshmen long for a high quality education, professional lecture sessions, advice on choosing majors and career developing, and so on. Universities introducing the Open major Division should establish the major exploration process to meet the students' expectation.


I. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 본 론
  Ⅱ.1. 신입생들이 대학생활에 거는 기대
  Ⅱ.2. 전공 및 진로탐색 프로그램
  Ⅱ.3. 전공탐색 프로그램의 영향
 Ⅲ. 결 론
 참 고 문 헌


  • 홍혜경 Hong, Hye Kyung. 연세대학교 학부대학(University College, Yonsei University)
  • 나정은 Nah, Jeong Eun. 연세대학교 학부대학(University College, Yonsei University)
  • 방희경 Bang, Hee Kyung. 연세대학교 학부대학(University College, Yonsei University)
  • 한봉환 Han, Bong Hwan. 연세대학교 학부대학(University College, Yonsei University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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