

F0 perturbations by word-initial nasals and their implications in Daegu Korean


Hong, Sunyoung

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines effects of word-initial nasals on F0 of the following vowels in Daegu Korean (hereafter DK) by comparing nasal-initial disyllabic words with vowel-initial disyllabic words. This study shows that F0 values at the initial point of the first vowel (hereafter V1) are significantly lower in nasal-initial words than in vowel-initial words, regardless of lexical prosodic patterns. In addition, F0 values at F0 peak point and vowel final point are also lower in nasal-initial words than in vowel-initial words. This F0 lowering that lasts throughout the following vowel implies that DK is unlikely to be a tone language, and rather this phenomenon serves as evidence in favor of a pitch-accent language. Furthermore, this study reviews Jun et al. (2006) focusing on their discussions about the low boundary tone at the beginning of the words. The F0 lowering by word-initial nasals found in the current study suggests that their results seemed to be affected by initial segments and the different initial segments would have resulted in different results.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methodology
 3. Results
 4. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Hong, Sunyoung Kyungnam University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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