The company's participation in the shareholder's representative suit
The representative director system, which has grown companies into large enterprises. But behind this high growth of companies, the abuse of the representative director system gloomily prevailed. When the director damage company, the company must file a claim against the director for compensation. At this time a auditor bring a suit. But if he don't file a action, the company suffers damage. Then the shareholder with at least one percent of the total outstanding shares may bring a derivative suit(korean commercial code §403). This shareholder's representative suit is an efficient method to raise transparency of corporate management to improve corporate governance. In this paper, it deals with (1) what kind system the shareholder's representative suit is, (2) the company can participate the shareholder's representative suit for the shareholder (plaintiff), (3) the company is able to join in the shareholder's representative suit for the defendant(director).
1. 이사의 책임추궁의 소로서의 주주대표소송
2. 주주대표소송의 현상
3. 본고의 범위
Ⅱ. 주주대표소송의 소송구조
1. 서
2. 대위소송설
3. 대표소송설
4. 소결
Ⅲ. 회사의 원고측에의 소송참가
1. 서
2. 공동소송적 보조참가설의 검토
3. 통상의 공동소송설의 검토
4. 공동소송참가설의 검토
5. 독립당사자참가설의 검토
6. 소결
Ⅳ. 회사의 피고측에의 소송참가
1. 서
2. 보조참가 소극설
3. 보조참가 적극설
4. 소결
V. 결 어
참 고 문 헌