

Bioneer Synthetic Biotechnology Symposium

Systematic genome deletion of fission yeast and its applications



The fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has served as an excellent model organism for mechanism studies of cell cycle control, mitosis and meiosis, DNA repair and recombination, the checkpoint controls and genome stability. The systematic generation of deletion mutants by targeted mutagenesis accelerates the use of S. pombe for functional and comparative studies of eukaryotic cell processes. We report here that more than 90% of total genes of S. pombe have been deleted by using PCR-generated deletion cassettes, which were designed to facilitate the later HCS procedures. Lowering the dosage of a single gene from two copies to one copy in diploid S. pombe results in HAPLOINSUCFFICIENCY, that is sensitized to any drug that acts on the product of this gene. With the genome-wide gene deletion heterozygotic mutants, we have setup a chip assay system, which is useful when only small amount of chemical is available. The HCS method using the systematic S. pombe deletion mutants can be exploited for the identification of drug targets.
*This work has been supported by Bioneer (Daejeon, Korea), KRIBB, and MOST. The mutants are property of both Bioneer and KRIBB.


  • KWANG-LAE HOE Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon, Korea,


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