

영어 음운습득에서의 모음 장단 대조와 어말 폐쇄음 탈락


Vowel Length Contrast and Word-final Stop Deletion in the Phonological Acquisition of English.

김선회, 유혜정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyzes the vowel length contrast and word-final stop deletion in the phonological acquisition of English. It examines Dinnsen, McGarrity, O’Connor & Swanson’s(2000) ‘sympathy’ analysis of Weismer, Dinnsen & Elbert’s(1981) children’s data and points out that the flaw of the ‘sympathy’ analysis is caused by the input of child production set under the principle of “richness of the base.” Then, adopting an assumption that “the output of adult production is the input of child production”(Smolensky 1996a: 19) on the basis of the argument proposed by Smolensky(1996a, b) and Hayes(2004), this paper shows that a long vowel before a deleted word-final voiced stop is to satisfy ID(weight) which is ranked above LENGTHEN and that the deletion of a word-final stop is to satisfy NOCODA which is ranked above MAX.


 I. 서 론
 II. 선행 연구: 모음의 장·단 대조와 어말 폐쇄음 탈락
  2.1 Weismer et al.(1981)의 습득 실험 결과
  2.2 Dinnsen et al.(2000)의 OT 분석
 III. 제안: 투명 현상으로서의 모음의 장·단 대조
  3.1 아동 발화의 입력형 설정의 문제
  3.2 본고의 제안: 모음의 장·단 대조와 어말 폐쇄음 탈락의 습득 과정
 IV. 결 론
 인 용 문 헌


  • 김선회 Kim, Sun-hoi. 중앙대학교(Chungang University)
  • 유혜정 Yu, Hye-jeong. 중앙대학교(Chungang University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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