

사무엘 베케트의 엔드게임 연구: 들뢰즈와 가타리의 소수문학론을 중심으로


A Study on Samuel Beckett’s Endgame: Centered on Deleuze and Guattari’s Theory of Minor Literature.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Beckett’s Endgame is a desirable example to which Deleuze and Guattri’s theory of minor literature is able to be applied. The purpose of this study is to deal with Samuel Beckett’s Endgame centered on Deleuze and Guattari’s theory of minor literature. Firstly, the drama tries the deterritorialization of language, by scattering strange Irish English expressions, using sentences with rare grammaticality, and drying the language. The tough language attacks the bad desires hidden in standard English which have something to do with dominance. Secondly, the bureaucratic machine that appears in the play shows the extremely political tendency of Beckett as an individual. Though the machine, which has firm hierarchy and is a highly specialized one, looks very powerful, it reveals its negative aspects through Beckett’s exaggeration, and gets in predicament for drawing the strong line of flight by unlimited postponement. Thirdly, the drama exhibits collective tendency of minor’s enunciation, refusing conservatism and opposing to traditional drama. As the standpoints of ruled people in the colony and aliens in Paris dissolve into it, we can hear the voices of Irish writers and absurd dramatists in the work.


 I. 서 론
 Ⅱ. 언어의 사막을 향하여
 III. 피하기 어려운 정치성
 IV. 베케트란 이름의 작가들
 V. 결 론
 인 용 문 헌


  • 이광수 Lee, Kwang-soo. 부산외대(Pusan University of Foreign Studies)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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