

아동문학 분석을 통한 문학치료: 죽음에 대한 상처를 가진 아동을 치유하기 위해


Bibliotherapy through the Analysis of Children’s Literature: Helping Children Cope with Death.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Sadness, fear, anger and confusion. The death of a loved one brings a whole range of feelings. Children may have many of the same feelings as adults. Yet, their understanding of death is different. When children are facing on that situation, they never recover their condition without helping of adults. So in my and other scholars’s views the importance of bibliotherapy. We can easily find the books about various, serious issues including death from everywhere. Because of that, if we use the books that connected with social problems, they’ll look at their own problems. All family and each person within a family is unique. Past experiences, individual personalities, economic and social standing, and political and religious orientation have an effect on the way death is viewed. While stages of dealing with grief and loss about death have been analysed, we need to take care of children’s emotional problems and recovering. So we must know the meaning and effect of bibliotherapy and then apply for them using books. Through concrete process of bibliotherapy, I’ve researched and analysed three books(Annie and the Old One, Olive’s Ocean, Shizuko’s Daughter), those are appropriate to respectively to the lower grade and the higher grade in elementary school and adolescence. I’m assuring the effect of using books for helping children cope with death in conclusion.


 I. 들어가며
 II. 죽음에 대한 아동문학 분석
 III. 나가며
 인 용 문 헌


  • 송현희 Song, Hyun-hee. 한남대학교(Hannam University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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