

百濟道藏의 『成實論疏』逸文에 대해서


The Significance of the Fragments of Dojang’s Commentary on Chengshi lun in Baekje Period

백제도장의 『성실론소』일문에 대해서


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We can hardly find historical sources for investigating the Buddhist thought in Baekje period, even most of them depending upon sources from China and Japan. This article purports to further the study of the Buddhist thought in that period through presenting some fragments of Dojang’s
Commentary on Chengshi lun in that period and investigating its historical significance.
In Baekje period, it is surmised that there had been some studies of Lotus Sutra and Nirvana Sutra in addition to the spreading of the studies of Buddhist precepts. Buddhist studies in Baekje are thought to have been transmitted to Japan and to have greatly prompted the early development of studies on Buddhist precepts and San lun. Especially, the writing of a
commentary on Chengshi lun in 16 scrolls by Dojang from Baekje became a paradigm of the studies of Chengshi lun in Japanese Buddhism. 162 불교학리뷰 vol.4 Dojang’s Commentary had been studied mainly in the school of San lun of Dodaiji until the Kamakura period. In that period, it became spread widely. Through the fragments of Dojang’s Commentary we can see that
this process reflects fairly the importance of Dojang’s appropriation of the studies of Chengshi lun, Nirvana Sutra, Dashabhumika Shastras, Tien-Tai thought, and Buddhist precepts in Liang dynasty of China. This can also shed light upon the academic situation of Baekje Buddhism in the time of Dojang in addition to the academic situation of Japanese Buddhism until
8the Century.


I. 머리말
 II. 백제의 불교사상과 도장
  1. 백제의 불교사상
  2. 도장의 활동과『성실론』 연구
 III. 도장의『성실론소』일문과 그 영향에 대해서
  1. 道藏『성실론소』의 일본 유통
  2.『道藏疏』逸文에 대해서
 IV. 금후의 과제


  • 김천학 Cheonhak Kim. 금강대학교 불교문화연구소HK교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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