

QoS based Client information for semantic Web service



Web services have become popular in order to access multimedia stream contents. However, these Web services are not supported with the same quality to Web clients who frequently access multimedia services. Also, ontologies provide meaning to concepts and their relationships for supporting semantic Web Service. This paper proposes ontological technique to apply user level Quality of Servic(QoS) that provides two different levels to serve Web service with proper quality by contribution value. Main contribution of this paper is to support user level QoS and to use Ontology for it. Therefore, this work uses an ontology-based approach to organize QoS, enabling semantic classification of all Web services based on domains and QoS attributes.


 1. Introduction
 2. Web service QoS
 3. System
  3.1. System Architecture
  3.2. Principles of QoS application
  3.3. OWL Design
  3.4. Evaluation
 4. Conclusion and Further Study
 5. References


  • Yan Ha School of Computer & Information, Kyungin Women’s College, Korea
  • Hea-Sook Park School of Computer & Information, Kyungin Women’s College, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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