

AC2-ADL: Architectural Description of Aspect-Oriented Systems



The traditional Architectural Description Languages ADLs lack the ability to describe the crosscutting concerns and crosscutting interactions in the software architecture, which result in the design of the system difficulty in comprehension, evolution and reuse. This paper proposes a new Aspect-Oriented ADL—AC2-ADL to provide a formal basis for representation of the tangling and scattering concerns and establish the software architecture with higher dependability.


 1. Introduction
 2. Outline of AC2-ADL Structure
 3. Aspectual Component in AC2-ADL
 4. Aspectual Connector in AC2-ADL
 5. Architecture and Configuration in AC2-ADL
 6. Case Study
  6.1. Second-order headings
  6.2. Intertwined Aspectual Components
 7. Related Work
 9. Acknowledgements
 10. References


  • Wen Jing State Key Lab of Software Engineering, Wuhan University Wuhan, China P.R. & Electrical Engineering and Computer Science The Henry Samueli School of Engineering University of California Irvine
  • Ying Shi State Key Lab of Software Engineering, Wuhan University Wuhan, China P.R.
  • Zhang LinLin State Key Lab of Software Engineering, Wuhan University Wuhan, China P.R.
  • Ni YouCong State Key Lab of Software Engineering, Wuhan University Wuhan, China P.R.


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