

역사 및 의장

건물에너지관리 운영실태 및 개선 우선순위 평가 - 유지관리자를 대상으로 -


Survey & Priority Evaluation for Improvement of Energy Management System in Buildings - survey for maintenance personnel -

곽노열, 조승혁, 권혁천, 김태섭, 박용청

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In order to ensure building energy management at an appropriate level continuously, it is necessary to define clearly service work of energy management and to suggest evaluation index whether energy management in buildings is fit and improvement is needed or not. But, evaluation index of energy management level in buildings is not suggested yet in Korea. So, the purpose of this paper is to suggest evaluation index of energy management level in buildings, investigate the present state of Korean buildings and evaluate energy management levels. As a result of surveys of evaluation index of energy management, it is found that portion of level 1, which is the best level, is higher than any other level, level 2, level 3. And, throughout analysis, it is found that as total floor area is larger, evaluation index of energy management level is better, and, in order to increase energy management level, first of all, there is necessary for building's users to change understanding about energy saving and make a reform of national policy of energy
management in buildings. Because there is rich relationship between items among evaluation index of this study and result value of evaluation index, evaluation index of energy management suggested in this study is available to evaluate energy management level in buildings.


 1. 서론
 2. 건물 에너지관리 수준 평가지표
  2.1 건물 에너지관리 평가 항목
  2.2 건물 에너지관리 실태 및 수준 평가항목
 3. 건물 에너지관리 실태 및 수준 조사
  3.1 조사방법
  3.2 조사대상 건물 및 유지관리 특성 개요
 4. 건물 에너지관리 실태 및 수준 평가
  4.1 건물 에너지관리 실태 및 수준의 전체 특성
  4.2 항목별 건물 에너지관리 수준 평가
  4.3 건물 에너지관리 설계 및 실천항목 평가
  4.4 에너지관리 실태 및 수준에 대한 영향 분석
  4.5 건물 에너지관리 우선순위 평가
 5. 결 론


  • 곽노열 Kwak, Ro-Yeul. 한남대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사
  • 조승혁 Cho, Seung-Hyuk. 한남대학교 건축학부, 학부과정
  • 권혁천 Kwon, Hyuk-Cheon. 한남대학교 건축학부, 학부과정
  • 김태섭 Kim, Tae-Seop. 한남대학교 건축학부, 학부과정
  • 박용청 Park, Yong-Cheong. 한남대학교 건축학부 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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