Barrier Free Housing for the Disabled
The purpose of this plan is to make a barrier-free housing for Young-ju dong where is a typical steep area in Busan. This barrier-free housing plan consider the space in physical aspect also psychological aspect. We need a concept for plan to embody psychological barrier-free. The concept is "Encounter with the others" from Levinas philosophy. The encounter is process of
understanding each other. And I refer to Lee Ufan's keyword "blank" is space for encounter in his work. This two keywords was applied to make a barrier-free housing for the disabled.
1. 서론
2. ‘만남’에 대한 고찰
2.1. ‘타자와의 만남’
2.2 예술에서의 ‘타자와의 만남’ 사례: ‘이우환’의 작품을 중심으로
3. 건축적 적용
3.1. ‘만남’의 적용
3.2. 전체 배치
3.3. 주거공간
4. 결론