

페퍼(Pepper)의 맥락주의(脈絡主義) 관점에서 본 산지도시 내 인프라 네트워크의 건축적 구성


A Study on 'Infra-Network' in Mountainous City based on Pepper's Contextualism

우서희, 김명규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to search the origin of mountainous district city according to the context and to plan the stepped city of itself compared with urban center. Contextualism theory was used with the detail words-text, texture quality and context- which were defined by Pepper in 『World Hypotheses: A Study in Evidence』, 1970. The urban center and mountainous
district city, the existence itself is different between straight land and city beyond mountain because character of city from land is changing. At the point of time to view mountainous district city as a nameless background, lots of matters must be settled without delay for instance, infra. The study site was located in Bosudong, JungGu, Busan. The results of this study were as
follows; the various types of connecting steps have homo-text, hetero-textures and homo-quality in one context.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 연구 내용과 방법
 2. Pepper의 맥락주의
  2.1 맥락주의란 무엇인가
  2.2 「text-texture-quality」의 관계
  2.3 동질성과 이질성
  2.4 전통건축 「仁-借」의 원리
 3. 맥락주의 관점의 산지도시 해석
  3.1 보수동 - 동질성의 공존 이질성의 교차
  3.2 Step과 「text-texture-quality」의 관계
  3.3 인프라 네트워크 계획안
 4. 결 론
  4.1 전체 시나리오 및 프로그램
  4.2 배치 계획-세 타입의 분류
  4.3 평면 계획 - 공간과 길의 공존
  4.4 입․단면 계획 - 내부와 외부의 입체적 접속
  4.5 종합적 평가


  • 우서희 Woo, Seo-Hee. 부산대학교 건축학부 건축학과 5년
  • 김명규 Kim, Myung-Gyu. 케스 건축사사무소 소장, 건축사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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