

제5분야 : 환경 및 설비

환경친화형 태양광선 조절시스템의 디자인 특성과 적용방법에 관한 연구


A Study on the Design Characteristics and Application Methods of Daylighting Control System in Environment Friendly Architecture


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Until about 100 years ago, the heating, cooling, and lighting of buildings was the domain of architecture. Thermal comfort and lighting were achieved with the design of building and a few appliances. Heating was achieved by a compact design, cooling by opening windows to the wind and shading them from the sun, and lighting by windows. Especially, daylighting was essential factor to live humanbeings in the room. Sometimes the architect must accept the light as it is and design the form in response to it.
Contemporary architecture, environmental issues have risen up, people start to focus on the development-preservation balance. They tried to build a new model, which reflect the natural cycle and the interaction of eco-system. After the Rio environmental council, 1992, this movement was accelerated and expanded to energy consumption issues. The correlation between architect and environment, also, picked up speed. In this paper, we suggest application techniques to be used as basic data for the decision of appropriate daylighting control system in designing single building.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법 및 진행과정
 2. 태양광선 조절시스템의 주요 요구성능
  2.1 균일 조도 확보
  2.2 현휘방지
  2.3 일사차단
 3. 태양광선 조절시스템의 분류
  3.1 일사 조절장치
  3.2 일조 조절장치
  3.3 태양광선 조절시스템의 분류
 4. 태양광선 조절시스템의 적용기법
  4.1 지붕 디자인
  4.2 파사드 디자인
 5. 결론


  • 서원덕 Seo, Won-Duck. 경일대학교 건축학부 전임강사, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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