

제2분야 : 역사 및 의장

LCVA를 이용한 초고층 건물의 풍진동 제어성능을 위한 실험적 평가


The Experimental Evaluation of LCVA for Mitigation of Wind-Induced Motion of High Rise Building

박제우, 정효선, 김홍진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, there have been many researches and developments on secondary mass dampers such as TMD (Tuned Mass Damper) and TLCD (Tuned Liquid Column Damper). LCVA (Liquid Column Vibration Absorber) is a special type of TLCD relying on the motion of a column of liquid in a U-shaped container to counteract the forces acting on the structure. Since it has different dimensions for vertical and horizontal portions of container, it has benefits of easy tuning and wide natural frequency range. In this paper, the control performance of LCVA against wind loading is evaluated using shaking table test. Total of three LCVAs with different mass are used in the test in order to assess the control performance In the test, the harmonic loads with varying frequencies were used. The peak and RMS accelerations subjected to resonant frequency input are compared for with and without LCVA. And the peak accelerations subjected to varying frequency inputs are also compared. As a result, it is found that the maximum acceleration and RMS acceleration of the structure decreases up to 49.1% and 54.1% respectively when LCVA is
installed. Especially, as the mass of LCVA increases, i.e., the mass ratio of water mass to structure mass increases, the control performance of LCVA increases.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
 2. 이론적 배경
 3. 실험 개요
  3.1 제어 대상 구조물의 고유 진동수 측정
  3.2 LCVA 동조 실험
  3.3 LCVA 제어성능 평가실험
 4. 결 론


  • 박제우 Park, Je-Woo. 경북대학교 대학원 석사과정
  • 정효선 Jeong, Hyo-Seon. 경북대학교 건축토목공학부 학사과정
  • 김홍진 Kim, Hong-Jin. 경북대학교 건축토목공학부 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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