

제2분야 : 역사 및 의장

아라타 이소자키 건축에서 나타나는 형태적 특성에 관한 연구


A Study on the Characteristics of Form in Arata Isozaki's Architecture

이일형, 서병진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Arata Isozaki departed on a road to be a world architect from the outset by having whole world of culture as base. Isozaki has constantly asserted that architecture can be a philosophy in itself and an ideology with its own cultural legacy. In his national context, Isozaki's works can be seen as attempts to develop and indicate an appropriate direction for the rapidly changing Japanese architecture.
Arata Isozaki has developed his architecture by six architectural concepts which contain Writing architecture, Process planning, Virtuality, City, Technique, Capital since 1960s. But his architectural concepts are difficult to understand easily because its interrelation and opaque entity. Therefore his architectural concepts need to arrange for apparent comprehension. Its
appropriate solution is formal approach in researcher's opinion. Comparatively speaking, Arata Isozaki's works can be understood apparently by the formal characteristics. The kinds of forms is Hexahedron, Vault, Square cone, Cylinder, Ellipse, Indefinite form. The hexahedron is the first(35.2%) form and the vault is the second(27.8%) form which have applied to Arata Isozaki's
architectural works.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위와 방법
 2. 이소자키의 건축과 개념
  2.1 이소자키와 그의 건축
  2.2 이소자키의 건축개념
  2.3 이소자키 건축개념의 종합
 3. 이소자키 건축의 형태적 특성과 분류
  3.1 이소자키 건축의 형태적 특성
  3.2 이소자키 건축의 형태적 특성에 따른 분류
  3.3 이소자키 건축형태의 종합
 4. 결론


  • 이일형 Lee, Yil-Hying. 순천향대 건축학과 부교수, 공학박사
  • 서병진 Seo, Byung-Jin. 순천향대 대학원 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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