The Architectural Photogrammetry of 「SEONG-AN」Mall Streetscape in Cheong-ju
Measurement and recording of historic buildings are usually carried with hand survey, but recently photogrammetry is applied to building surveying. Ahead of the facade analysis, this study is aimed to measure and record「SEONG-AN」mall streetscape in Cheongju through the photogrammetry method. The architectural photogrammetry is especially appropriate for
streetscape, which is very hard for measurement because it has many facades and panoramic views. A survey has been carried out, after classifying 4 types by height and width of buildings. This study is checking problems in measurement and recording with the facades of so many shops in「SEONG-AN」street which is the main pedestrian mall in Cheongju. Proving survey
process which solving problems in photogrammetry and hand survey, we expect some problems such as lack of distance by the short width of a street, ridge of roof’s curves and irregular facades. At a more advanced level, where a record of historic building is being made, the photographic record and hand survey will be an integral part of documentation.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 진행
2. 조사개요
2.1 성안길의 연혁 및 현황
2.2 선행 조사 및 기록
2.3 성안길의 사진촬영 여건
3. 사진실측조사 및 기록
3.1 사진촬영 방법
3.2 성안길 사진촬영 진행에서 나타난 문제점
4. 사진보정 및 도면작성
4.1 사진보정 및 조합
4.2 도면작성
5. 결론