

제1분야 : 계획 및 설계

1990년대 이후 한국하이테크 건축의 경향과 표현특성에 관한 연구


A Study on the Tendency and Expressional Characteristics of Korean High-Tech Architecture after 1990

김은미, 문병국

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



High-Tech architecture has begun in Europe in early 1800s and progressed consistently by late 20th century. In Korea, architectural works having High-Tech characteristics were not popular until 1980, but after 1980s, owing to economic growth and international events such as Olympic Games and Expo, High-Tech architecture has widely appeared and spread all over the country. After 1990s, it appeared more frequently and varied in diverse ways, and its expression is so
various and complex that it is very difficult to define the characteristics of High Tech architecture in korea. To review the architectural works to express High-Tech after 1990, there are many trends to show their characteristics of expression. Analyzing many High-Tech architectural works after 1990, the characteristics of High-Tech expression in Korean contemporary architecture could be got. The results are as follows : The exposition of structure, The Slick-Tech expression, various forms of new structure and engineering technics, the very progressive form of mechanic-aesthetics, the signal expression of digital-media, the environment friendly architecture and so on. Consequently, High-Tech architecture will be varied in diverse ways and its form will be more complicate and complex, so it will be a valuable trial to foresee the future of High-Tech architecture.


 1. 서론
 2. 외국 하이테크 건축의 전개
  2.1 하이테크 건축의 배경
  2.2 하이테크 건축의 실현
 3. 한국 하이테크 건축의 경향
  3.1 1990년대 이전의 하이테크 건축
  3.2 1990년대 하이테크 건축
  3.3 2000년대 이후의 하이테크 건축
 4. 1990년대 이후 한국하이테크 건축의 표현특성
  4.1 구조체의 노출
  4.2 Slick-Tech
  4.3 신구조 및 공학기술에 따른 다양한 형태
  4.4 기계미학에 따른 혁신적인 형태 출현
  4.5 디지털미디어에 의한 사인(sign)적 표현
  4.6 투명한 재료에 의한 내․외부의 상호관입
 5. 결론


  • 김은미 Kim, Eun-Mi. 순천향대 건축학과 석사과정
  • 문병국 Moon, Byung-Kook. 순천향대 건축학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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