

Client’s Tool for Construction and Design Briefing - An empirical study -


Inga Malmqvist, Nina Ryd

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



An approach to capture how requirements in construction-projects are developed, to overcome identified restrictions of briefing processes. It aims to develop practical tools that support and facilitate understanding and implementation of client’s requirements, collaboration between actors and create innovative briefing-processes. Emphasis is on strategic briefing; processes starting in corporate strategy. The base is empirical investigations, interviews and a questionnaire among client-organisations. One of the findings is that meetings is the far most used method in briefing. There is a lack of practically useful tools. Need for flexibility increases. Persons answering have huge experiences of briefing and most of them regard briefing as a continuously ongoing process. Techniques/tools for management of briefing-processes and projects, effective meetings and decision-making, are investigated as well as existing digital programs and internal digital programmes now being formed in some client-organisations.


  1.1 Background of the R&D project
  1.2 Aim of the project
  4.1 The owner’s standpoint
  4.2 The customer’s standpoint
  4.3 The social standpoint
  4.4 The industry’s standpoint (the role of customer)
  5.1 Tools for the client’s requirements management;EcoProP-an example from Finland
  5.2 ICOP-an example from Holland
  5.3 Programme for Technical Standard 2005 (PTS 2005)-an example from Sweden 
  5.4 Interviews-conversations with a goal
  5.5 Group interviews-focus groups
  5.6 Observations
  5.7 Semantic descriptions of premises
  5.8 Scenario-based briefing
  6.1 Results of questionnaire study
  6.2 Results of interview study


  • Inga Malmqvist Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
  • Nina Ryd Sweden.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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