

Housing Environments for Elderly People - Priorities in a Scandinavian perspective -


Jan Paulsson

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The increasing numbers of elderly people live in all geographic parts of our countries and in all kinds of houses, enjoyment forms and ages of housing constructions. They are parts of all economic, social and cultural layers of the community. Most of the elderly are healthy, active and enjoy life. However, many elderly will need some kind of support, sooner or later, for a short time or long-term. Functional disabilities, diseases and disorders as well as insecurity, loneliness and lack of meaningful activity have to be considered primarily in the general environment where people live. A minor number of the severely disabled and those in need of terminal care will get priority to services in special housing units. This paper provides a concentrated picture of the current conditions for elderly people in Sweden. The paper is based on a book project in progress for the Swedish ARKUS Foundation, providing basic knowledge for architects and designers. The paper is focused on concepts and trends, motives and proposals for immediate as well as long-term ventures. Five main tracks are enhanced. Public environments including the service sector and cultural establishments are delightful for the elderly. Housing environments and interiors are critical for the elderly and can be improved by small input as well as by comprehensive renovations. The quality of the special housing units has to be secured. There is today a great interest in new senior housing models. Architects and designers are key actors. They have to be well-informed to be able to develop environmental issues and accomplish projects for the future. They can contribute comprehensively to quality of life for the elderly in sustainable housing solutions with good economy.


  1.1 Consequences for the community
  1.2 Architecture and design in focus
  1.3 Four main sectors
  1.4 Man-environment interaction. Fields of qualitativecharacteristics
  2.1 International work and national goals
  2.2 A national action plan
  2.3 Easily removed obstacles-small input great impact
  2.4 Basic knowledge
  3.1 Possibilities and limitations of the staying concept
  3.2 Preventive work and alternatives for the future
  4.1 A national economic concern
  4.2 A proposal: Easily accomplished improvements-smallinput great impact
  4.3 Housing renewal and improvement once more
  5.1 Service houses and nursing homes
  5.2 Staying in ordinary housing and new special housing units
  5.3 The ÄDEL reform and the expansion of the newspecial housing units
  5.4 Decreasing total numbers of special housing units
  5.5 Research and development work concerning specialhousing for the elderly
  6.1 The cohousing model
  6.2 The senior housing concept
  6.3 Characteristics of elderly people in senior housing
  6.4 Roads to security
  6.5 To invest in common activity and solidarity-to gainsecurity
  6.6 Senior housing-new input in the housing sector


  • Jan Paulsson Architect, Ph D, Senior Researcher 2D&P: Architecture and Design.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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