


上古史에 있어 韓·中의 文化 交流 - 중국 大汶口文化와의 관계를 중심으로 -


The Cultural exchange of between ancient the Korea and China

상고사에 있어 한·중의 문화 교류 - 중국 대문구문화와의 관계를 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Facts existing at the Ruins of Neolithic Age in South Korea can tell us that there once lived a group of aboriginals who share a lot of similarities with the Dawenkou People. This aborigine was the Ancient Asia was proved to be one of the important ancestor to present Korea nationality. This further evidence that nowaday's Korea has close historic relations with ancient Dongyi ethnic group.
In this article, the region centered by Taiwan, and surrounded by the coast lines of China mainland, Japan and south Korea is named North Mediterranean Area. that's also the area of Dawenkou Cultural Circle. The ancient Dongyi people mastered advanced nautical techniques. They especially knew how to migrate to Korean Peninsula relying on the floating of ocean water. Therefore, Dawenkou People and Korea people share various common things both physically and culturally, such as the same or similar features of flat heads, extraction of teeth, stone shelter, twice~bury funeral.
Though the comparative study of between ancient the Korea and China has involved in various knowledge of history, documents, archaeology, anthropology, folklore and folk literature, and has touched some of their common cultural features, it is not enough for us to conclude whether the similarities the two nationalities share result in their same racial ancestors or come from their common cultural background.


Ⅰ. 黃河文明中心論의 비판과 고대 동아시아
 Ⅱ. 중국 大汶口文化와 東夷
 Ⅲ.  大汶口文化의 東夷와 ꡔ三國志ꡕ이후 東夷
Ⅳ. 한반도에서 발견된 大汶口 文化的 특징
Ⅴ. 한민족 문화에 대한 남북 기원론 비판


  • 金仁喜 김인희. 中央大學校 講師, 言語民俗學 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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