


日本に對する「ステレオタイプ」の對象化 - 啓明大學校日本學科2008年度1學期「メディア日本語」における「メディアㆍリテラシ一」の實踐から


To be Consciousness of Stereo Types about Japan - From the Practice of Media Literacy in Department of Japanese Studies, College of International Studies, Keimyung University -

일본に대する「ステレオタイプ」の대상화 - 계명대학교일본학과2008년도1학기「メディア일본어」における「メディアㆍリテラシ一」の실천から


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the academic community of Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language in Japan, according to the change of the view point about education, culture and so on, the Media Literacy has been noticed. This is also because Media Literacy is proved that it could be a momentum for the important challenge for identifying the one’s own culture and forming the one’s own individualized culture. I tried Media Literacy at the course of the “Japanese for Media”, which was offered in the Japanese Studies, Department of International Studies, Keimyung University, semester-1,2008. This article is a report about the practice which I tried as a part of Media Literacy, to make students be consciousness of their stereo types about Japan and its mechanism with a report of comparative study about the strategy of declining between Korea and Japan. In Korea, because of the background of the “unfortunate history” between Korea and Japan and “anti-Japanese feeling” based on that, stereo types about Japan have been amplified. In view of those situations in Korea, it is thought that Media Literacy in Korea exercises its effect and importance and Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language in Korea contributes to for identifying the one’s own culture and forming the one’s own individualized culture in Korea.


1. はじめに
 2. 日本に對する「ステレオㆍタイプ」の顯在化
  2.3 受講生からの回答結果
  2.4 結果報告と檢討會
 3. 日本に對する「ステレオㆍタイプ」
  3.1 衝擊的な「實際の調査結果」
  3.3 日本に對するステレオㆍタイプの對象化
  3.4 日本に對するステレオㆍタイプの對象化
 4. 結論および今後の課題-韓國日本語敎育におけるメディア


  • 宮前耕史 Yasufumi MIYAMAE. 啓明大學校 日本學科 講師


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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