


중국 문자에서 본 祭祀文化에 관한 고찰 - <說文解字>의 '示部”를 중심으로 -


A research of "The Cultural Sacrifice from Chinese characters' - The article explained that the text takes the <SHUOWENJIEZI>示part of Chinese characters as the center of the research -

중국 문자에서 본 제사문화에 관한 고찰 - <설문해자>의 '시부”를 중심으로 -




This paper is the “Explanation” which takes the “示” part as Script in the Discussion of Chinese Cultural Sacrifice from the perspective of etymology There have 76 characters of the ‘示’ part which has nothing to do with the character of this paper. I will analyze some characters of “示” part of Sacrifice in this paper. It can be divided into five categories, namely, the meaning of Sacrifice, the ritual objects, the ritual, the purpose of Sacrifice and the ritual results. From the ritual of the meaning of the word: At that time, the ancient Chinese ritual significance is the hand with a drop of juice under the meat to worship the gods, and gods who can transport. The object of Sacrifice is from God, only the social, ancestors 神, 祇, 社, 祖, 祏, 褅, 䃾, 禪, 禡, 祔, 祈, 祰, 祧. 祏, 祪, 禓 for instance in order to know heavenly god, and earth, their ancestors, mountains, rivers , heavenly king , Siming, god of army, god of daylight, The ritual of sacrifice that from the offering – 禋, 柴, 祠, 礿, 祼, 𥛱, 祳, 𥚩, 祰, 祫, 祝, 祴 𥛱, 祳, 𥚩, 祰, 祫,祴 for instance - shows that they are sacrificed to worship god; They put livestock and Yubo(玉帛) on firewood, and the fire burned which means that the it is offering to a heavenly god as the smoke rose; Sacrifice in Spring, with many new summer dishes, washing and cooking which are to worship the gods or ancestral King, means the praise message more than a simply Offering things; And use of liquor and blood poured in to Shenzhu around is for asking god's spirit to comedown; when they are offering, they worship god with message; And they used musical instruments for their temple festival. The purpose of sacrifice that from 禮 禱,祈,禦, 禜, 禳, 祓, 禫, 禂, 禖, 禬 for instance is to get blessing and longevity and in order to avoid wind and snow, floods, droughts, pestilence and resentment. And another reason is to avoid soldier and horse not to get disease. And another reason is that the officer can be able to solve the people's hardship. The results of Sacrifice, that from 禧, 禛, 祿, 禠, 祥, 祉, 福, 禎, 祺, 禔, 祐, 祗, 禍, 祟 for instance, shows in the Good or good fortune or a safety; and in awe of god, but if the sacrificial ceremonies is wrong, it will offend the gods, god will not bless, and bring disaster. The above is from the “示” part of characters to understand ancient Chinese cultural sacrifice


I. 서론
 II. 제사의 의미
  1. 祭
  2. 祀
 III. 제사의 대상
  (1) 祭川神, 天帝
  (2) 祭地神
  (3) 祭祖
  (4) 祭宗廟神主
  (5) 拜日月星辰, 山川河海
  (6) 祭司命
 IV. 제사의 방식
  (1) 供應飮食
  (2) 以香祭天
  (3) 用圭璧皮來祭祀
  (4) 大合祭先祖親疏遠近
  (5) 以權祭
  (6) 以禱告來與神交通
  (7) 遷廟來將遠祖移到宗廟合祀
  (8) 使用樂器
  (9) 祭祀之前淨心身
 V. 제사의 목적
  (1) 求福
  (2) 爲了弛災
  (3) 求子
  (4) 爲了除喪服
 VI. 제사의 결과
  (1) 亨福而喜樂
  (2) 免災殃
  (3) 破神保護
  (4) 土地受福
  (5) 萬事亨通
 VII. 결론


  • 서재선 Seoh, Jae-Sun. 부산외국어대학교 동양어대 중국어학부 강사


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