

다문화가정 자녀를 위한 한국 언어문화 교재 개발 방안


A Suggestion for Designing a Korean Language and Culture Textbook for Multicultural Children

김영주, 김태우

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to design a Korean language and culture textbook for multicultural children. As statistics show the rapid increase of multicultural population in Korea, special attention has been demanded for multicultural children education. Although they are born as Korean, they seem to pass through hard time to live as ordinary Korean children due to lack of appropriate educational stimulus. Since their mothers(or fathers) are not native Koreans, they have not had language and cultural awareness enough to grow up as ordinary Korean children. This, in turn, leads them to unsuccessful school life and insufficient study achievement. The study aims at providing materials to develop their awareness and knowledge of Korean language and culture in order to help them succeed in school life. This study selected 40 cultural items by analyzing elementary textbooks and textbooks of Korean as foreign language, which elementary school children should know. They consist of everyday language-based culture, information-based culture, and value-based culture.


 1. 연구의 필요성
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1 선행연구
  2.2 다문화가정의 자녀 교육
 3. 문화 항목 분석 및 선정
  3.1 한국어 교재 문화 항목 분석
  3.2 초등학교 교과서 문화 항목 분석
  3.3 문화 항목 선정과 내용
 4. 언어문화 교재 개발 방안
  4.1 교재 구성 원리
  4.2 교재 구성의 실례
 5. 결론


  • 김영주 Kim, Youngjoo. 경희대학교(Kyunghee University)
  • 김태우 Kim, Taewoo. 경희대학교(Kyunghee University)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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