

새우양식장에서 분리한 Bacillus sp. CK-10과 Bacillus sp. CK-13에 의한 질소와 인의 제거


Removal of Nitrogens and Phosphorus by Bacillus sp. CK-11 and Bacillus sp. CK-13 Isolated from Shrimp Farming Pond

천재우, 마채우, 이상현, 오계현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The feasibility of using bacterial cultures with the ultimate aim for the marine environmental clean-up was explored. The present study reports on the bacterial elimination of nitrogens and phosphorus by strains CK-10 and CK-13 isolated from shrimp farming pond. The strains were identified as genus Bacillus on the basis of BIOLOG test, and designated as Bacillus sp. CK-10 and Bacillus sp. CK-13, respectively. Removal of nitrogens (NH4 +, NO2 -, or NO3-) or phosphorus (PO4 -3) as single N or P source was studied with single cultures under aerobic conditions. Complete elimination of all nitrogens in the concentration range of 100-400 μM was achieved in single cultures as well as co-cultures within the given incubation period. Similar results were obtained from the test cultures containing 125-599 μM PO4 3-. Simultaneous removal of all N/P was monitored in the co-cultures. As the results, 400 μM NH4 + and NO2
- were eliminated within 12 hrs and 400μM NO3 - and 500 μM PO4 -3 were completely disappeared within 36 hrs from the media. The work demonstrated that co-cultures improved the concurrent removal of N/P from the media.


 재료 및 방법
  세균의 확보 및 배양 조건
  분리 세균의 생리 화학적 특성 조사 및 동정
  질소와 인 측정
 결과 및 고찰
  질소와 인 제거 세균의 분리
  분리세균의 형태학적 관찰 및 생리 화학적 특성
  분리 세균의 동정
  단일배양과 혼합배양에 의한 NH4+의 제거
  단일배양과 혼합배양에 의한 NO2-의 제거
  단일배양과 혼합배양에 의한 NO3-의 제거
  단일배양과 혼합배양에 의한 PO4-의 제거
  혼합배양에 의한 질소 및 인의 동시 제거


  • 천재우 Jae-Woo Chun. 순천향대학교 생명과학부
  • 마채우 Chae-Woo Ma. 순천향대학교 생명과학부
  • 이상현 Sang-Hyun Lee. 순천향대학교 생명과학부
  • 오계현 Kye-Heon Oh. 순천향대학교 생명과학부


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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