


Altai 諸語에서 본 語彙 考察 - 21세기의 시점에서 言語와 民俗的 性格을 중심으로 -


A Consideration with some vocabulary in Altai's Languages family

Altai 제어에서 본 어휘 고찰 - 21세기의 시점에서 언어와 민속적 성격을 중심으로 -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



I will want to try describe for Korean culture for 21C and we have to try to solve the this problem each other. And, the culture have the most complex types and so, is very difficult for us to solve this kind of problem in historical special Model from Language families. Specially, We have little documentary about culture in ancient life or folklore and historical records, so we have many kinds of difficult in original and beginning culture.
But, exactly speaking may be it is very important for me to describe about Korean old culture which the inspired utterance of Ural-Altai and Chinese.
In this paper, I was try to show you about Altai's Life with interpretation and material collection. Someday, I'll provide to you in this direction more than now in future.
And we need Chinese old Language and culture for us to describe for Korean old culture. and we need much more than now about documentary with history, Language, folklore.
We have to try more than now for 21centurly in Korean culture.
I'll describe this paper with below ;

(A) 'Kourea(고구려)’ is common noun and means, 谷, 溪, etc.

(B) ‘항파두리(缸坡頭里, Hang-pa-du-ri)’
It is means of General, Hong-Ta-Gu. But we will solve the problem in this case.

(C) 우라한-오이윤(Ulahan-Oïun, Ulahan-oyun)
ⅰ) ut>ul(higher, 웃)
ⅱ) han (king, great, large)
ⅲ) ‘-a-’ : an interpolation vowel
ⅳ) oïun : shaman
ⅴ) meaning of ‘ulahan-oïun’ are ‘greatest shaman’ ‘shamn of higher king

(D) 심방(Sim-Bang)
ⅰ) sim : free morpheme
bang : bound morpheme
ⅱ) Common father's Language type of ‘shman’ is S∨t(origin of word, 語系, 어계)
ⅲ) ‘sim-’ and ‘sam-’ have commom father's Language type.
ⅳ) ‘sim-’ ‘sam-’ ‘šun’ are comparative each other and belong to ‘S∨t’(origin of word) as common father's Language type.
ⅴ) ‘-bang’ is below ;
1. Manchurian : beye(man)
2. Solon : beye(man)
3. Solon : bei(man)
4. Tunguse : bojo(man)
5. Tunguse : buacin(prayer)
ⅵ) meanning of ‘Sim-Bang’
1. holy man(in Jae-chu-iland)
2. prayer(in Jae-chu-iland)
3. attend on man of sun

(E) Obo(Ovoo)
obo(ovoo) looks like ‘서낭당’(Sea-Nang-Dang) with function in Korea
ⓐ opinins of Linguistic
ⅰ) obo : ut + bo > obo
ⅱ) ut : 上位(higher)
ⅲ) bo : buge, be(shaman, 巫師)
ⅳ) obo : complex word

ⓑ opinion of meanning
ⅰ) attend on man's shaman of gods of heaven and it's object
ⅱ) object of wealth and fecundity
ⅲ) object of Unity in Mongolia

I want to try describe about 고구려(Kogurea) ‘항파두리(Hang-pa-du-ri)’, ‘우라한-오이윤(ulahan-oïun)’, ‘심방(sim-bang)’ ‘오보(obo)’ with view of Linguistic Folkroe. And so, I have been solve the problems many kinds of these. But, I'll try more than now.


Ⅰ. 序 論
 1) 韓國文化 硏究에 있어서 새로운 方法의 模索
 2) 言語學과 民俗學
 3) 우라한­오이윤 (ulahan-Oïun)
 4) 심방 (Sim-bang)
 5) 오보 (obo, ovoo)
Ⅱ. 本 論
 1) 高句麗
 2) 항파두리(缸坡頭里) 
 3) 우라한­오이윤 (ulahan-Oïun)
Ⅲ. 結 論


  • 朴相圭 박상규. 暻園大學校 人文大學 國語國文學科 敎授, Altai 言語 民俗學 專攻


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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