

예술가 해외거주 프로그램(Artist-in-residence)의 확산과 진화— 창조도시 구도에서 국가 간 협력 프로그램까지


Expansion and Evolution of Artist-in-residence Program: From the Structure of Creative City to the Nations’ Cooperation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Artist-in-residence which gets chances to create by artists’moving and encounteringnew culture is heightening its level in 21th century. Under the circumstance that issue ofcultural diversity and the role of artists which is for city revitalization and sustainability areaffect residency program in the midst of highly proceeded globalization that internationalexchange. Therefore, in the aspect of creative city, a new model is creating by reuse ofabandoned industrial facilities and Asia or Eastern country become the subject in residencyprogram management, the issue of cultural diversity is getting more important, programsbased on project not just residence are managing. Furthermore, it has inter-countrycooperating system in the rage of cultural management. It means that artists’space ofcreating activity has a new, social role in spontaneously we need to approach to followingmodel in Korea, as well.


I. 서론
 II. AIR 프로그램의 역사와 전개
  1. 빌라 메디치의 역사와 쟁점
  2. AIR 프로그램의 단계별 성장
  3. AIR 프로그램 운영의 현황 및 쟁점
 III. 확산과 진화: 창조도시 구도에서 국가 간 협력 프로그램까지
  1. 창조도시 구도에서의 예술공간과 레지던시
  2. 문화 다양성과 지역 문화 체험
  3. 프로젝트 기반의 프로그램
  4. 문화외교적 구도에서의 국가 간 협력 프로그램
 IV. 결론: 한국형 국제 레지던시 프로그램의 전망


  • 박신의 Park, Shin-Eui. 경희대학교 조교수, 경희대학교 문화예술경영연구소장(Assistant Professor, Kyunghee University & Director, Center for Art & Cultural Management)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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