


Surface plasmon resonance 바이오센서를 이용한 재조합 B형 간염 표면항원의 정량분석


Quantitative Assay of Recombinant Hepatitis B Surface Antigen by Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor

안상점, 유창훈, 류강, 전준영, 이현익, 최성철, 이영식, 이은규

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We performed a basic experiment for rapid, on-line, real-time measurement of HBsAg by using a surface plasmon resonance biosensor to quantify the recognition and interaction of biomolecules. We immobilized the anti-HBsAg polyclonal antibody to the dextran layer on a CM5 chip surface which was pre-activated by N-hydroxysuccinimide for amine coupling. The binding of the HBsAg to the immobilized antibody was measured by the mass increase detected
by the change in the SPR signal. The binding characteristics between HBsAg and its antibody followed typical monolayer adsorption isotherm. When the entire immobilized antibody was interacted, there was no additional, non-specific binding observed, which suggested the biointeraction was very specific as expected and independent of the ligand density. No significant steric hindrance was observed at 17.6 nm/mm2 immobilization density. The
relationship between the HBsAg concentration in the sample solution and the antigen bound to the chip surface was linear up to ca. 40 μg/mL, which is much wider than that of the ELISA method. It appeared the antigen-antibody binding was increased as the immobilized ligand density increased, but verification is warranted. This study showed the potential of this biosensor-based method as a rapid, simple, multi-sample, on-line assay. Once properly validated, it can serve as a more powerful method for HBsAg quantification replacing the current ELISA method.


 재료 및 방법
  HBsAg 및 anti-HBsAg 항체
  리간드 항체 고정화 과정
  Biorecognition에 의한 HBsAg의 결합반응 분석
  칩 표면의 재생을 위한 최적조건 결정
 결과 및 고찰
  리간드 고정화
  항원-항체 결합반응 및 선형 범위의 결정
  최대결합도 및 항원-항체 결합반응의 몰 비율
  재생조건의 결정


  • 안상점 S. J. Ahn. 한양대학교 생화학 및 분자생물학과
  • 유창훈 C. H. Yoo. 한양대학교 화학공학과 생물공정연구실
  • 류강 K. Ryu. 한양대학교 화학공학과 생물공정연구실
  • 전준영 J. Y. Jeon. 디아이바이오텍(주)
  • 이현익 H. I. Lee. 디아이바이오텍(주)
  • 최성철 S. C. Choi. (주)녹십자백신 GE팀
  • 이영식 Y. S. Lee. 한양대학교 생화학 및 분자생물학과
  • 이은규 E. K. Lee. 한양대학교 화학공학과 생물공정연구실


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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