

일본의 문화입법과 문화정책


Culture policy & Culture legislation of Japan


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to consider culture policy & culture legislation of Japan in order to analyze culture policy & culture legislation of Korea. The important contents which this dissertation is classified into 5 main points.First, I discussed legalistic character of culture right as constitutional right in Japan Constitution. Culture right is mentioned as Free right from Article 13 and as Social right from Article 25 of the Japan Constitution. Secondly, I introduced characteristic of culture administrative law of Japan. I considered the subject under the following heads. (1) culture administration as benefit administration, (2) characteristic of legal system of culture administrative law in Japan, (3) scope of culture administrative law in Japan.Thirdly, I considered theory about the subject of enjoyment and exercise of Culture right, and about the contents of the culture policy.Fourthly, I researched measures to an end of the culture policy. for instance, administrative planning and administrative contract. Fifthly, I investigated the support system of the culture policy such as (1) establishing a master plan for culture promotion, (2) arts plan 21, (3) financial support system, (4) promotion of local culture activities.


Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
 Ⅱ. 문화(행정)법의 법적기초로서의 문화권
  1. 일본 헌법상의 문화기본권
  2. 문화예술진흥기본법상의 문화예술창조향수권
 Ⅲ. 일본의 문화(행정)법의 입법체계
  1. 문화(행정)법의 특징
  2. 문화와 관련있는 기본법제
  3. 문화(행정)조직법제
  4. 문화(행정)관련개별법률
  5. 문화정책의 분류에 따른 문화관련법
 Ⅳ. 일본의 문화정책
  1. 문화정책의 의의-문화행정에서 문화정책으로의 이행-
  2. 문화정책의 주체
  3. 문화정책의 실현수단
  4. 문화정책지원제도
 Ⅴ. 맺는말
 참 고 문 헌


  • 최철호 Choi, Chol Ho. 청주대학교 법학부 전임강사, 법학박사(Cheongju University Law college)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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