


‘인종’ 규정 논리와 제국주의․탈제국주의 사이에서-도리이 류조(鳥居龍蔵)와 최남선을 중심으로-


The interval of 'racial' regulation logic, and imperialism and anti-imperialism -centered on Torii Ryuzo and Nam-sun Choi


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The racial theory by Torii Ryuzo and Nam-sun Choi, who are Japanese anthropologists, was reviewed. Bipartite division of Japanese=Torii, Ryuzo=ruler, Choson people=Choi Nam-sun=ruled was not done. The analysis was attempted from the meaning of internal creation of self formation of a nation-state. In other words, as Japan colonialized Choson, it can be supposed that the generational situation is that Choson already became a part of Japan. Along the same vein, the theory of Torii, a Japanese, gave academic influence to Nam-sun Choi who is Japanese (a Choson person), and he shared the view. Looking at the case of Torii based on this, Torii concentrated his efforts on analyzing the concept of megalithic culture which came from the West. Of course, as he was analyzing it, he was linking it with racial analysis. It’s that as a methodology of analyzing Japan’s ancient times, the megalithic culture was utilized. After confirming that the wall painting found in Liaoning province is the same as that in Assyria, they proposed migration of races. On one hand, stone statues, a kind of megalithic culture, are interpreted. The stone statues on Easter Island and those in Taiwan were seen the same as “megaliths”, but they argued their qualities were different. That is, they verified that the stone statues on Easter Island are remnants from inferior races, while those in Taiwan are remnants from evolved races closely related to Japan. Related to this, they confirmed Dolmens of Choson and insisted that the people who made Dolmens migrated to Japan. They advocated that the Japanese race was formed by migration of superior races from the south, and migration of superior races from the north. They insisted that ancient tombs are that, ancient tombs are a symbol of greatness, and the tomb of the Emperor of Japan means that symbolically. Besides, in the situation of colonial rule, in Choson, the choson government general led investigation of historical landmarks which made good progress. Surrounding excavated items from the old tomb in Pyoung-yang at that time, a conflict arose because there were two interpretations. The first was the dispute of whether they were relics from Goguryeo, or relics from Han dynasty’s Nakrang. Torii insisted that the relics were from Nakrang. Nam-sun Choi also deemed that they were relics from Nakrang, agreeing with Torii’s argument. But it was for trying to prove the argument that superior races migrated, taking “exquisiteness” of Nakrang relics as an example. At the same time, the interpretation of megalithic culture proposed by Torii was taken as an example, and the superiority of Choson’s megalithic culture was discussed. As the megalithic culture with the meaning of Choson in East Asia was interpreted, Choson’s Tangun megalith’s significance was insisted. By claiming the logic that megalithic culture symbolizes greatness and is divine, the significance of Tangun was insisted. In conclusion, the ‘outside’ that proposes differences compared to the Japanese community was recognized, from how Choson’s Tangun was advocated despite living in Japan. It on one hand advanced as creation of a new self concept.


日本の人類学者とされる鳥居龍蔵と崔南善の人種理論を検討してみた。それは、日本人=鳥居龍蔵=支配者、朝鮮人=崔南善=被支配者という二文法的な分け方をしなくて、国民国家の内部における自己形成の意味として捉えた。つまり、日本が朝鮮を植民地支配にすることによって、時代的な状況が日本になったことと、鳥居の学説が朝鮮にも流入していたことを想定した。鳥居は西欧から入ってくる巨石文化という概念を一早く取り入れて、それを人種概念と結び付けながら、日本の「有史以前」を解釈するころを試みていた。それは遼東半島を調査しながら、そこで発見して壁画から、アッシリアから移動した証拠であることを証明した。その傍ら、巨石文化の一種である石像を改めて解釈した。すなわち、イスター島の石像とタイワンの石像は同じく見えても、その性質が違うことを主張した。言い換えれば、イアスター島の石像は劣等な人種の残存であり、タイワンは日本と関連した進化したものだと判断した。その一方、朝鮮のドルメンを確認することで、ドルメン民衆と呼ばれる人々が、移動したことを明らかにし、日本人種の源を形成したことを明らかにした。それが進化し、古墳を造るようになり、その時代に日本民族が形成されたことを主張した。 その一方、植民地支配下にはいった朝鮮には、総督府が主催し、古蹟調査事業がはじまった。それによって、発見された平壤の貝塚の発掘品から、それが高句麗の遺跡なのか漢の遺跡なのか、解釈をめぐって論争が引きおこった。関野貞の古蹟調査結果として出された高句麗の遺跡だとする結論は鳥居によって批判された。それを受け継いだ崔南善は、樂浪の遺跡であることを認め、それを逆でにとって、だからこそ優秀な人種が朝鮮半島に移動してきたことを主張した。そして、鳥居が提示した巨石遺物を解釈しながら、東アジア文化圏を改めて構想した。もはや、朝鮮だけの特殊性を出すことが出来なくなった状況から、東アジアで朝鮮が持っている普遍性を称えなければならなかったのであった。それが、巨石文化が持っている偉大性の意味を生かし、それが檀君台などで見られることから、朝鮮の檀君が持っている意味合いを主張したのである。つまるところ、植民地という状況のなかで、鳥居の日本人種の優等論を引き付けながら、朝鮮人種の優秀論を真っ向から主張し、国民国家という枠のなかに収斂されない<自己>を形成しようとしていたことを浮かび上がらせた。


Ⅰ. 서론 - 19세기말이라는 시대상황
 Ⅱ. 도리이 류조의 거석문화 해석과‘제국주의’
  1. 도리이의 일본인종에 대한 관심
  2. 일본인종의 우월성 발견
  3. 거석문화 해석과 제국주의
 Ⅲ. 최남선의 거석문화 해석과‘탈제국주의’
  1. 조선민족에 대한 해석
  2. 최남선의 거석유적 인식
  3. 돌멘의 분포를 통해서 본 동아시아와 조선
 Ⅳ. 결론


  • 全成坤 전성곤. 고려대학교 일본연구센터 연구교수, 일본학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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