

Enzymatic Saccharification characteristics of autohydrolyzed and autohydrolyzedalkaline extracted aspen woodmeal



Enzymatic saccahrification of autohydrolyzed aspen woodmeal was investigated for bioethanol
production from aspen woodmeal. Reaction temperature (170oC, 180oC, and 190oC) and reaction time (30 min, 60 min, and 90 min) were main variable for optimum pretreatment. During autohydrolysis, most of xylan in aspen woodmeal was removed but cellulose and lignin
were survived. Weak alkali extraction was applied for removal of lignin and carbohydrate
fragments after autohydrolysis. Weak alkali extraction was effective in lignin fragment removal.
Autohydrolyzed and autohydrolyzed-alkali extracted aspen wood meal was hydrolyzed with
mixture of commercial enzymes (Celluclast 1.5L and Novozym 342) for monosacchride
production (glucose and xylose). Autohydrolysis and autohydrolysis-alkaline extraction were
effective as pretreatment techniques for enzymatic saccharification of aspen wood meal.


  • Soo-Jeong Shin Wood & Paper Science, School of Forest Resource & Rural Engineering, Chungbuk National university
  • Gyu-Seong Han Wood & Paper Science, School of Forest Resource & Rural Engineering, Chungbuk National university
  • Kyong-Haeng Lee Division of Food and Biotechnology, Chungju National University
  • Nam-Seok Cho Wood & Paper Science, School of Forest Resource & Rural Engineering, Chungbuk National university


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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